From hot oil massages to organic hair masks there are a lot of ways to transform your hair and care for them. Rice is one of the contributor too in boosting the natural growth. Rice water for hair growth is considered to be one of the best. It has been a part of many cultures and had been used widely across globe.
The key ingredient in rice is inositol which is a substance found in many fibre-rich foods. In addition to conditioning, soothing the scalp, reducing frizz, and increasing elasticity, the free radicals in inositol attribute to hair growth. When used as a hair treatment, the inositol in the rice water repairs and also acts like armour for your hair. It's quite popular among women with 4c hair as it promotes hair health and better growth.
Rice water rinses are easy to prepare and use. If you're wondering how to make rice water for hair- Here are 3 easy techniques that you can follow to get your 4c hair longer and beautiful: